What you need to know.

Date / Location

April, 30th 2023

Modernica Factory
2901 Saco St.
Vernon, California 90058

Loading Hours: 4am - 7:30AM - No vehicles will be permitted on to the lot after 7:30am
Market Hours: 8AM-2PM - Tear Down: 2PM - 3PM - No vehicles will be permitted to drive off the lot before 2:30pm. The lot closes at 4:00pm


Spaces measure 20’ x 20’ and are $125 each.


All spaces are outdoors on a paved surface. You are responsible for bringing canopies, tables, etc to display your vintage items for sale, Clothing is not permitted for sale.

Spaces are not secured until payment is received. All spaces will be assigned by Downtown Modernism prior to the event.

Clothing and reproductions are not permitted for sale; vintage-design only.

If you have any questions, contact: Info@downtownmodernism.com

Sign Up


To sign up simply click the link below. Sign the application and send to Info@downtownmodernism.com

Phone: 213-274-1765

Online Application Form